Thelma the Unicorn (2024) Watch Kim Cartoon


Thelma the Unicorn (Cartoon)
 IMDB Rating:

5.8/10 from 2,728 votes IMDb




Adventure Animation Comedy

 Directed by:

Jared Hess Lynn Wang

 Starring by:

Brittany Howard Jon Heder Will Forte


Canada United States



 Story Plot: free watch carton Kim Cartoon.... Thelma the Unicorn (2024) Thelma dreams of being a glamorous unicorn. Then in a rare pink and glitter-filled moment of fate, Thelma's wish comes true. She rises to instant international stardom, but at an unexpected cost. After a while, Thelma realizes that she was happier as her ordinary, sparkle-free self. So she ditches her horn, scrubs off her sparkles, and returns home, where her best friend is waiting for her with a hug.

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